The spermatogonial cell has 46 chromosomes in human male. Give the number of chromosomes in -
(A) primary spermatocyte
(B) Spermatids

Dear Student,

If the Spermatogonial cell has 46 chromosomes in human male , then the number of chromosomes found in 
a) primary Spermatocyte would be 46
This is because , as Spermatogonium is Diploid (2n Chromosome) undergoes Mitosis and form a Primary Spermatocyte which is also Diploid in number (2n). So the chromosome number would remain the same.

and ,

b) In Spermatids , it would be 23.
This is because Primary Spermatocytes undergoes Meiosis I to form Secondary Spermatocyte which in turn form FOUR Spermatids by Meiosis II which are Haploid in Number (n). So the chromosome number will reduce by half.


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Primary spermatocytes 're result of mitotic differentiation of spermatogonial cells so they 're diploid i.e. 've 46 chromosomes. Spermatids 're result of 2nd meiotic division of secondary spermatocytes so they 're haploid i.e. 've 23 chromosomes. [ Secondary spermatocytes 're result of 1st meiotic division of primary spermatocytes so they 're haploid i.e. 've 23 chromosomes]
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