The sum of n terms of two arithmetic progressions are in the ratio (3n+8) : (7n+15). Find the ratio of their 12th terms.


Let a1, a2 and d1, d2 be the first terms and common difference of two A.P.'s


Putting n = 12, we get

Thus, the ratio of their 12th terms is 4 : 9.

  • -10
Sn = n/2(2a+( n-1)d)

let a1 and a2 be two APs
and comman diffrnc is d1 and d2

n/2 (2[a1]+(n-1)d1)÷ n/2(2[a2]+(n-1)d2)=3n+8÷7n+15

the 12th term is a+11d

>> a1+11[d1]÷a2+11[d2]

when n=23


>>a1+11[d1]÷a2+11[d2]=3×23×8÷ 7×23+15

>>a1+11[d1]÷a2+11[d2] = 7÷16

the ratio is 7÷16

thumbz up
  • 2
Ratio is 7:16 as described
  • -2
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