The tiger in the poem is feeling miserable in a concrete cell. Does it not amount to cruelty? Express your opinion in keeping wild animals in zoos. Is there any lesson to humans ?

It is indeed miserable keeping animals in a. It's the only place where lives without any fault are punished. They lose their freedom. We are a playing a role of Britishers to them. We, the Indians weren't free hundreds of years ago as we were ruled and punished by the Britishers for no reason. It's the same in case of the tiger. They also get angry and starts ignoring visitors as they are deprived of their freedom. Yes there is a lesson. And the lesson is before we see anyone in pain and start laughing we should feel the pain that they might have experienced. We must be fully assured about the pain others are facing and move forward a helping hand.
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the tiger in the poem is feeling miserable in a concrete cell .
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