the value of one unified atomic mass unit is 1.66*10-27 kg. calculate the mass of 1 atom of C12 in kg.

Dear student,

1 mole of C12 contains 6.022×1023 of C12 and it weighs 12g
weight of 6.022×1023 atoms=12 gweight of 1 atom = 126.022×1023=1.993×10-23 g

To covert to kg, multiply the result with a factor of 10-3.
Thus the mass of C12 in kg is 1.993×10-26 kg.


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1 mole of C-12 contains 6.022 x 10^23 atoms of C-12 and it weighs 12g.
6.022 x 10^23 atoms weigh = 12 g
1 atom weighs                    =  ?
 = 12/ (6.022 x 10^23)
Hence 1 atom of C-12 will weigh 12/(6.022 x 10^23) {or 1 amu x 12} = 1.993 x 10^-23 g.

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