The van der Waals equation reduces itself to the ideal gas equation at (A) high pressure and low temperature (B) high pressure and high temperature (C) low pressure and low temperature (D) low pressure and high temperature

Dear student,

At high temperature and low pressure , the Van der Waal's equation is reduced to Ideal gas equation. since the Vander Waal's equation can be written as: 

At low pressure, V increases ( P and V are inversely proportional to each other) therefore the value of b ( correction in V will be negligible as V is high) and a/V2 ( V is as denominator so a/V will be very small) become negligible that modified the Vander Waals equation as:

PV  = nRT

Similarly,  at high T, V increases as V is directly proportional to T therfore the value of b and a/V2 become negligible that modified the Vander Waals equation as:

PV  = nRT

Hence option D is correct.


  • 0
low pressure and at high temperature
  • 1
thanks Aishwarya
  • -1
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