the volume of a cube is 1728 cm cube find its edge and surface area


let "a" is the edge of cube

volume of cube = a3

a3 = 1728

a = 12.

surface area of cube = 6a2

= 6 (12)2

= 864cm2

a = 12

  • 4
Take the side as s
given that volume=1728
so, s3 =1728
  s= 12cm
hence surface area is given by S.A= 6s2
S.A=   864cm​2
  • 2

let "a" is the edge of cube

volume of cube = a3

a= 1728

a = 12.

surface area of cube = 6a2

= 6 (12)2

= 864cm2

a = 12

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