The wight of 72 books is 9 kg. What will be the wight of 40 such books?

Weight of 72 books = 9 kgWeight of 1 book = 972 kg = 18 kgWeight of 40 books = 18×40 kg = 5 kg

  • 0
weight of 72 books=9 kg
weight of 1 book=72/9=8
weight of 40 such books=40*8=5 kg
  • 2
  • 0
The weight of 40 books is 5 kg
  • 3
320 kg
  • -2
x= 40*9/72
 = 360/72
=5 kg
so the weight of 40 books is 5kg.
  • 1
Its 5 kg not 320 kg Sayan.
  • -1
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