The yong seagull was not confident about the ability of wings

Dear student,

​​​​​​Here is the answer: 

The little seagull was extremely afraid to fly at the beginning. He thought that his wings would never support him, against the vast sea beneath.  So, he bent his head and ran back to the little hole under the ledge. Even when his brothers and his little sister, flapped their wings, and flew away, he failed to muster up courage to take that plunge.

The young seagull lacked the confidence in his character. He was too scared of flying. His family tried hard to make him fly by calling to him shrilly, upbraiding him and threatening to let him starve on his ledge, but the young seagull refused to fly. They even scolded him for his cowardice. They tried to tempt him with food but he was not willing to learn flying. 

Once he dived, his fear disappeared and he enjoyed his first flight.


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