Theme of the chapter weathering the storm in ersama (moments)

Dear student,

The theme of the chapter 'Weathering the Storm in Ersma' is that our courage, fortitude and presence of mind helps us tide over even the worst of hurdles. Prashant faced deep sorrow, yet stepped up to rehabilitating the people affected by the natural disaster.


  • 10
We should brave in all condition
  • -3
Weathering the Storm in Erasma narrates the adventures of a young man Prashant who was marooned on a rooftop for two nights following a dreadful storm.The story leaves the message that we should withstand every hard situation and be brave and courage
  • 2
it is a story about a storm which raided the village of erasama and a boy known as prashanth was stuck in depicts how prashanth fought couragefully and conquered is fearness.
  • 7
i am not read the chapter
  • -7
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