There are four bus routes between A and B and three bus routes between B and C. A man can travel round trip in no. of ways by bus from A to C via B and C to A via B. If he does not want to use a bus route more than once, in how many ways can he make round trip?

since there are 4 bus route from A to B and 3 routes from B to C.
therefore , there are 4*3 = 12 ways from A to C.
since it is round trip, therefore man will travel back from C to A via B.
now the man does not want to use the same bus route from C to B and from B to A.
therefore number of ways of coming back from C to B is 2 and from B to A is 3.
therefore , there are 2*3 = 6 ways from C to A [such that no same route is repeated]
thus there are 12*6 = 72 ways in which he can make a round trip.

hope this helps you

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idontneed help now. i get the solution.
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