There are two elements A having atomic mass 26 and atomic number 13 and B having atomic mass as 26 and atomic number 14.Find the number of sub-atomic particles in each of these elements.What is the relationship between the two ?please reply fast.


Number of protons = atomic number = 13
Number of electrons = number of protons = 13
Number of  neutrons = mass number(atomic mass) -atomic number = 26-13 = 13

B. Number of proton or electrons = 14
  Number of neutrons = 26 - 14 =  12

Both A and B have the same mass number ot number of nucleons and hence are isobars.


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A has atomic mass = 26 Atomic number = 13 Hence, protons = 13 electrons = 13 and neutons = 13 B has atomic mass = 26 Atomic number = 14 Hence, protons = 14 Electrons = 14, and neutrons = 12 As their masses are same, they both are isobars. Hope this helps!
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