There has been a four time increase in production of food grains from 1960-2004 with only 25% increase in the cultivatable land area.mention the steps undertaken by farmers to achieve this success. Answer fast fast fast urgent read question correctly exam tomorrow.

Following steps were undertaken by farmers to increase the production of food grains.
  1. Use of high yielding variety of seeds
  2. Use of modern tools and machines for preparing soil
  3. Use of high quality fertilizers, pesticides and weedicides 
  4. Use of modern irrigation systems
  5. Undertaking different cropping patterns and seasonal cultivation of crops to assure a maximum yield.
  6. Protecting growing crops and minimizing loss of harvested plants.
  7. Applying hybridisation and genetic engineering techniques to improve crop variety.

 (i) The use of good quality seeds increases the total crop production. If a farmer is using good quality seeds, then a majority of the seeds will germinate properly, and will grow into a healthy plant.

(ii) Proper irrigation methods improve the water availability to crops.

(iii) Fertilizers ensure healthy growth and development in plants by providing the essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.

(iv) Crop protection measures include various methods to control weeds, pests, and infectious agents. If all these necessary measures are taken by a farmer, then the overall production of crops will increase.


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