There is a word missing in each line. Write the missing word along with the one that come before
and the one that comes after it.
Before Missing word After
e.g. I had been thinking naming my pet thinking of naming
Corvus is the Latin name the crow family. a) ____________
I have started calling my pupil this name. b) ____________
At first, he would turn stare at me.c) ____________
Now, he has begun respond verbally. d) ____________
Corvus learning English now. e) ____________
His training takes place between eight and
nine in morningf) ____________
The rest of the time, he hangs about here; theg) ____________
evening, he still prefers to go back the mangoh) ____________
tree in my garden.​

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

1.Corvus is the Latin name for the cow family.
2.I have started calling my pupil by this name.
3.At, first he would turn and stare at me.
4.Now, he has begun to respond verbally.
5.Corvus is learning English now.
6.His training takes place between eight and nine in the morning.
7.The rest of the time, he hangs about here: in the evening, he still prefers to back to the mango tree in my garden.

Hope this will clear your doubts about Error Correction:Omission.

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