There is an ommision in each of the lines against which a blank is given:-

Jill Drake is world's largest screamer. e.g. istheworld's

During a trip London in 2000,Jill a) -----

entered a screaming competition held the b) -----

the Millennium dome and surprised c) ----

to discover her 129 decibel howl d) ----

was world record. Her record-breaking e) ----

yell is as loud a pneumatic drill f) ----

and only 10 decibels lower the sound g) ----

of a jumbo jet taking off. Jills's

record remains unbeaten date. h) ----

The paragraph with the necessary changes are:

Jill Drake is the world's largest screamer.

During a trip to London in 2000, Jill

entered a screaming competition held at the

Millennium dome and was surprised

to discover that her 129 decibel howl

was a world record. Her record-breaking

yell is as loud as a pneumatic drill

and only 10 decibels lower than the sound

of a jumbo jet taking off. Jill's

record remains unbeaten till date.

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