This is the poem in the given picture it takes two pages the first picture is the last stanza and the second picture is the starting.. the poet is Leigh hunt. Now you have to tell me why did the poet wrote this poem.

This is the poem in the given picture it takes two pages the first picture is the last stanza and the second picture is the starting.. the poet is Leigh hunt. Now you have to tell me why did the poet wrote this poem. •And is mine one? • said Abou. •Nays. not so: Replied the spoke more still: and said. •l prayto thee. then. Write me as one that his fellow men. • anger urote and The next night came with a great "*kening light. And showed the names uhom love of God had blest. And Ben Adhent•s name led all the rest. LEIGH of sayit* •no' way of 'ask' or •request'

Dear Student,

Through the poem, the poet wants to convey that someone who loves people around him, will also be loved by God, the most. 


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