This is the question of Lobster Quadrille poem of Gul Mohar book class 7

VIII.   Imagine you are watching the Lobster Quadrille. Describe 'the dance' in your own words. Use your imagination and the description given by the poet.

Dear student
Lobster quadrille is the most fascinating and unusual dance that one can ever see. It's mesmerising to see how all the different aquatic animals line up at the sea shore just to be paired with lobsters for the dance. The most interesting part is the look on jellyfish's face when they are forced out of the dance after their disguise fails to work almost everytime. This generally takes some time and then starts the main part, after each one is paired wih a lobster ,they all dance exchanging their lobsters and retiring in the same order. The lobsters are then thrown far into the sea by their partners. Post this begins the second phase of dance, the partners rush to get a lobster again by swimming after them and the dance begins again. 
Hope this helps!

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It's creates a picture of various creatures of the sea , such as fish, snail, porpoise, lobster, seal and turtle, performing a dance on a layer of pebbles on the shore. The lobster has a special role in it: all the other creatures take lobsters as their dance partners and afterwards lift up and throw those partners into the sea, often throwing some other small creatures as well, such as small fish and snails. The poet used good rhythm, rhyme and repetition to show a snail and a whiting talking and moving towards the pebble floor for the dance.
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