Thisdiscussion was taking place in a class. Read the various argumentsand state which of these do you agree with and why.

Jayesh:I still think that our Constitution is only a borrowed document.

Saba:Do you mean to say that there is nothing Indian in it? But is theresuch a thing as Indian and western in the case of values and ideas?Take equality between men and women. What is western about it? Andeven if it is, should we reject it only because it is western?

Jayesh:What I mean is that after fighting for independence from the British,did we not adopt their system of parliamentary government?

Neha:You forget that when we fought the British, we were not against theBritish as such, we were against the principle of colonialism. Thathas nothing to do with adopting a system of government that wewanted, wherever it came from.

Anyanswer supported with argument or explanation would solve thepurpose. It is strongly recommended that you prepare thesolution on your own. However, one sample solution has beenprovided for your reference:

Thearguments of Saba and Neha are correct that the idea of equalitycannot be rejected merely because it is of western origin. The valuesthat are a part of the Constitution are universal and thus, cannot bediscriminated as Indian or Western. It is also correct that while theBritish were unjust in their policy of colonialism, there werecertain principles of their governance that were modern and suitableas they allowed people to choose their own representatives. Thus, thepositive values of British system should not be ignored on the basisof negative impact of British colonialism.

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