three light signals turn green after every 24 secs,30secs,42secs respectively.if all three singnals turns green at the same time,thogether then they will turn green together (please ans fast)

Dear student,

Three lights are turning green at an interval of every 24, 30, and 42 seconds.Together they will turn green at the same time will be the LCM of 24, 30, 42

L.C.M of 24,30,42=2×2×2×3×5×7=840 sec or 14 min
Thus, the time after they will turn together is 14 min 



  • 10
Three lights are turning green at an interval of every 24, 30, and 42 seconds.

Let three lights are L1, L2 & L3:
L1 is turning green at (interval in seconds): 24, 48, 72, 96, ...
L2 is turning green at (interval in seconds): 30, 60, 90, 120, ...
L1 is turning green at (interval in seconds): 42, 84, 126, 168, ...

If they start at the same time, they will turn green at the same time again in:
LCM of 24, 30, 42
After 840 seconds or 14 minutes.
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