Three numbers are in the ratio 1:2:3.the sum of their cubes is 0.098784.find the number

numbers are x, 2x and 3x # since ratio is 1:2:3 and assuming smallest to

sum of cubes is x3 + 8x3 + 27x3 = 36x3

36x = 0.098784
x =  0.002744 = 2744 * 10-6
2744 * 10-6  = 8 * 343 = 23 * 73 * 10-6 = 143 * (10-2)3 = (14 * 10-2)3

x3 = (14 * 10-2)3
x = 14 * 10-2 = 0.14

Numbers are thus 0.14, 0.28 and 0.42

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