tincture of iodine has antiseptic properties.how is this solution prepared?

Tincture of iodine or iodine tincture is anantiseptic, it is also called weak iodine solution. It is usually 2–7% elemental iodine, along with potassium iodide or sodium iodide, dissolved in a mixture of ethanol and water. Tincture solutions are characterized by the presence of alcohol. It was used from 1908 in pre-operative skin preparation by surgeon Antonio Grossich.

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Tinture of iodine has iodine in form if solvent and water in form of solute.i.e biiger amount of iodine is mixed in a small amount of water.
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incture of iodine has antiseptic properties. This solution is made by dissolving iodine in water
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A solution of iodine in alcohol is called tincture of iodine.
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