Total amount of heat produced by a fuel having calorific value of 30 kJ/kg was found to be 60,000 Joules. How much fuel was burnt ?

Dear Student ,
Here in this case 30 KJ/kg means that 30 KJ heat energy is produced by burning 1 kg of the fuel .
Now let us take that x kg fuel is burnt to get 60000 J or 60 KJ of energy .
Therefore , amount of fuel burnt is = 60/30 = 2 Kg .
Hope it helps you .

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2 kg
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The energy released by a unit quantity of fuel when it is burnt is known as its calorific value and is usually quoted in kJ/kg.

The calorific value of a fuel depends on its make up.

The constituents of fuel which release energy when they are burnt are Hydrogen, carbon and sulphur

Hydrogen releases the most energy; 144000kJ/kg.

Carbon releases 33700kJ/kg.

Sulphur is the lowest, only releasing 9300kJ/kg.


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