tsunami paragraph

Tsunami refers to the long or towering waves which are generally formed in the oceans caused by earthquake or the tectonic movements. It displaces large volume of water. The name tsunami has been derived from two Japanese words: ‘tsu’ means harbor and ‘nami’ means waves. Unlike the normal tidal waves, Tsunami waves are gigantic and so results in much destruction. It is destructive also because it is very speedy and it lashes on the shores with huge power. Thus the Tsunami waves wash away a major part of the shore. Geologist, seismologists and oceanographer try their best to predict about a tsunami. People, who live near the coastal region, specially the fishermen are advised to follow some precautions for their survival during that situation.

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  • The word Tsunami has been derived from two Japanese wordsTsu meaning harbour and Nami meaning waves.

  • In simple words Tsunamis are large Oceanic Waves which splash on the harbours

  • These waves larger heights than normal oceanic waves. These

Waves can reach astonishing heights upto 70 feet as recorded in the Japan Tsunami of March 2011.

Precautions to be taken in a Tsunami Prone Area

  • Avoid buiding homes at areas very close to the sea or at heights lower than the recorded wavelenghth of the waves.

  • Proper alert systems should be in proper functions.

  • People should be made aware of the dangers of Tsunami and the ways to combat the results.

  • Evacuation plans and tools should be kept handy.

  • Emergency communication plan should be developed.

Steps to be Taken Before Tsunami

  • Radios should be turned on be aware of tsunami warning .

  • It is important to understand the movements of the sea. Recession in water away from the shoreline is a sign for approaching Tsunami.

  • Once the people are alert about the approaching Tsunmai, they should move inland to higher ground immediately and stay there.

  • Stay away from the beach.

Steps to be Taken after Tsunami

One must stay away from shores, damaged areas or whre debris are found.

It is advised not to enter enter buildings which have been hit by tsunami.

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