Twinkling effect koi please easily samajh meinis aaye aise bataega Kuch samajh nahi raha!!

Dear Student , 

Refraction of the light from the star occurs due to the earth's atmosphere which results in an apparent position of the star. The atmosphere of the earth is constantly changing so the refraction of light from the stars, which are point sourced light (light from one single point) also keep changing directions. Due to this the apparent (refracted) position of the star keeps changing. this produces a twinkling effect where the stars appears to be going on-off and moving.

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You can see the videos of divyam gupta (Channel name:- Pustack) and understand it...
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it occurs due to atmospheric refraction...due to the changing densities of different levels of the atmosphere
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Refraction of the light from the star occurs due to the earth's atmosphere which results in an apparent position of the star. The atmosphere of the earth is constantly changing so the refraction of light from the stars, which are point sourced light (light from one single point) also keep changing directions. Due to this the apparent (refracted) position of the star keeps changing. this produces a twinkling effect where the stars appears to be going on-off and moving.

Hope this helps!
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Twinkling. ... In simple terms, twinkling of stars is caused by the passing of light through different layers of a turbulent atmosphere. Most scintillation effects are caused by anomalous refraction caused by small-scale fluctuations in air density usually related to temperature gradients.
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