two circles touch each other externally. prove that the lengths of the tangents drawn to the circle from any point on the common tangent are equal.

please help it is a bit urgent!

Given   Two circles with centre O and O' touch each other externally and let the point where they touch each other be M.
PM is the common tangent.Let a point P on the common tangent from where tangents PA and PB are drawn to the circles having centres O and O' respectively.
To prove  PA = PB

Now as we know that tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal in lengthHence consider the circle having centre O  P is an external point and let tangents drawn from the point P are PA and PMPA = PM ..........(1)Now consider the circle having centre O'  P is an external point and let tangents drawn from the point P are PB and PMPB=PM........(2)Hence from (1) and (2) we can say thatPA=PBLengths of the tangents drawn  to the circle from any point on the common tangent are equal

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Think of the figure as follows:- two circles touch externally, the common tangent intersects their(circle's) only point of intersection. Now, any point on this common tangent is taken. From it as the question states, draw tangents to both the circles and notice that

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The 1st tangent is equal to the distance between the point and the point which is the point of intersection of the circles which will be equal to the 2nd tangent

tangent from a common point ar

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