Two cross roads, each of width 10 m, cut at right angles through the centre of a rectangular park of length 700 m and breadth 300 m and parallel to its sides. Find the area of the roads. Also find the area of the park excluding cross roads. Give the answer in hectares.

@verma.kirti111: Good answer!Keep posting and be busy collecting your thumbs up!

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Length (l) of park = 700 m

Breadth (b) of park = 300 m

Area of park = 700 × 300 = 210000 m2

Length of road PQRS = 700 m

Length of road ABCD = 300 m

Width of each road = 10 m

Area of the roads = ar (PQRS) + ar (ABCD) − ar (KLMN)

= (700 × 10) + (300 × 10) − (10 × 10)

= 7000 + 3000 − 100

= 10000 − 100 = 9900 m2 = 0.99 hectare

Area of park excluding roads = 210000 − 9900 = 200100 m= 20.01 hectare

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