two independent monohybrid crosses were carried out involving a tall pea plant with a dwarf pea plant. in the first cross, the offspring population had equal number of tall and dwarf plants, whereas in the second cross it was different. work out the crosses, and explain giving reasons for the difference in the offspring populations.

In the first cross, parents genotype would be Tt and tt. (Test cross).
The progeny will be as follows:
Gametes t
T Tt (Tall)
t tt (Dwarf)

The ratio of progeny is 1:1.

In the second cross, the genotypes of parents would be TT and tt.
The progeny will be as follows:
Gametes t
T Tt (Tall)
T Tt (Tall)

The ratio of progeny is 100% tall.

The difference is due to difference in genotype of the parents. 


  • 9
in first case it is test cross
tall gene is heterozygous so 1:1::tall:short ratio come in progeny population

while in second case, its normal cross. tall gene is homozygous so 3:1::tall:short ration come in progeny population
  • 5
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