Two line segments are congruent if ___________.

Two line segments are congruent if ___________. of them are and (ii) ABC +QRP. Find the other four correspondences by using two cutouts of triangles. Will all these correspondences lead to congruence? Think about it. L Complete the following statements: (a) Two line segments are congruent if (b) Among two congruent angles. one has a measure of 700: the measure of the other angle is (c) When we write LA = dB. we actually mean 2. Give any two real-life examples for congruent shapes, t. If AABC AFED under the correspondence ABC e FED, write all the corresponding congruent pans of the triangles. "DEF ABCA. write the part(s) of ABCA that correspond to (iii) ZF

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

Two line segments are congruent if they have the same length.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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