two loops one rectangular in shape with dimensions 10 cm x 2.5 cm and second of square shape of side 5 cm are moved out of a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to the plane of the loops with equal velocity v in which case will the emf induced be more?

Dear Let the rectangular frame of length l and width w is pulled along its length l that is pulled parallel to its length.Flux linked with the loop  φ=B×(l×w) Magnitude of Emf induced in the loop is E=dφdt=d(B×l×w)dt=Bwdldt=Bw×v (v is velocity)greater value of w greater emf induced.Now if  the rectangular loop is pulled along the side 2.5cm than emf induced in the rectangular then emf induced in the  loop is greater and if it is pulled along the side 10cm then emf in the square is greater .Regardsstudent

  • 5
In square loop of side 5 cm?

In rectangular loop?

So more emf is induced in square loop
  • 8
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