Two metallic cylinder made of same material and radii r and 2r are joined as shown in figure. If top end is fixed and lower end of cylinder B is twisted by angle ? Then angle of twist for cylinder A is (both cylinder have same length)


Dear student 
Let the total angle twisted by A and B is θ (not mentioned in question) and twist angle made by A and B will be θ1 and θ2 respectively.
hence θ=θ1+θ2.......1>  (total angle twisted is contribution of individual angular twist)
now the force applied produce the torque on B and a restoring torque is produce in A to counter torque of B this continuous till  both the rods does not archives the condition of equilibrium.
using the formula of torque  in both cylinder A and B 
torque clockwise by B = torque anticlockclockwise by A    (since we assume that force on B acts clockwise)τc =τaηπ(2r)42lθ2   =ηπ(r)42lθ1θ1  =16θ2     .........2>now putting the values of θ2 and θ1  in equation 1 we getθ2+16θ2  = θθ2  =θ17  and θ1  = 1617 θ.


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