Two object A and B , having masser4s 100kg and 75kg, moving with velocities 40km/hr and 60km/hr respectively. Answer the following:

(a) Which will have greater inertia ?

(b) Which will have greater momentum ?

(c) Which will stop first if equal negative acceleration is applied on both?

(d)Which will travel greater distance ?

(e) Which will imparty greater impulse if collided with a wall ?

a) Since object A has higher mass therefore it have higher inertia

b) momentum of body A = 100*40 = 4000 kg km / hr

momentum of body b = 75*60 = 4500 kg km / hr

therefore body B have higher momentum

c) if negative acceleration is applied to a body then the from first law of motion v = u + at

therefore the body having smaller initial velocity will stop first i.e body A

d) from newtons third law of motion v2  = u2 + 2as 

therefore the body having higher velocity will travel a higher distance i.e  body B

e)the body having higher momentum will provide a bigger impulse on collision i.e body B

  • 12

a) A has more inertia.

b) B has more momentum

c) A will stop first

  • -7
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