untreated human excreta is health hazard explain

Untreated human excreta are a health hazard. It causes pollution of soil and water including the underground water, Thus, it contaminates the sources of water from which people collect water for drinking and household purposes. When this contaminated water is used for drinking, it can cause diseases such as cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, dysentery, etc., which may even lead to death.
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It cause air and water pollution both
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water and soil pollotion 
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Untreated human excreta is a health hazard. Explain. Untreated human excreta is a health hazard as it can cause water pollution and soil pollution.
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Human excreta left on tha land can contaminate water sources like rivers , lakes , ponds , and wells. The contamination can cause water - borne diseases such as cholera , typhoid , hepatitis and dysentery...... Hope its ok ....
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it has many bacteria which causes many water borne diseases like dysentery , cholera etc  .
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It pollutes the water and has a lot of bacteria .
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Untreated human excreta is a health hazard because if it is not excreted out of the body, it would accumulate in the body. The accumulation of such wastes is body can cause many diseases,
I hope this cleared your doubts.
Thanks and regards
Yashika Mehta
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