Use of can, could, might, must, ought to for8 Standard

Can, Could : Asking for and Giving Permission

A) We normally use Modals such as could, can in sentences to ask and to give permission.

Ex.1) Preeti: Mama, I'm awfully hungry. can I eat these butter toasts ?

Mother : Why not? You can eat all of them if you like.

2) Vinay (to a neighbour) : Could I use your phone, please ?

Mr Bhushan : Yes, you're welcome.

  • can ..... informal
  • may..... formal
  • could..... very polite
  • But, the choise depends on the situation and the speaker's relation to the listener.

B) We also use can, could on Possibilities, Abilities

He can easily stand on his head. A computer can make lengthy calculations in ten seconds.

We could buy tickets in advance.

2. Can has only two forms- can(present) and can- (past)

She can do this exercise in five minutes.(present)

She could do this exercise in five minutes.(past)

  • can/could- possibility; ability/capasity to do something in the present/past.
  • could- general ability or permission to something.

Could is also used to make Suggestions: What shall we do this evening ? We could play carrom,we could even go to see a movie.

Could refers to the present; could have refers to some moment in the past;

I am so hungry, I could eat dozens of apples.(now)

I was so hungry, I could have eaten dozens of apples.(At some moment in the past)

We often use could have to talk about things which were possible but didb't happen: He slipped so badly on a banana skin, he could have hurt himself.(but he didn't)

  • could do...... at the present moment
  • could have done......... at some moment in the past (but didn't do)

Possibility : Might - He might be playing tennis.

  • might is used to suggest possibility.But might suggests a lesser possibility than may.
  • may.......a good possibility
  • might........ a weak possibility

Necessity, Compulsion: Must

We use must to say that it is necesarry to do something.

You must put in real hard work if you want to do well.

Suggestion, Advice, Duty (obligation) :Should, Ought to

Ought to suggests that it is the right thing to do.

Ought to conveys the same sence as should . But it carries with it a sense of moral duty:

You ought to take care of your old parents.(It's your moral duty to................)

You ought to abide by the laws of the land .

  • ought to......... moral obligation to do something.

I hope it helps!! Experts and friends thumbs up please!!!!!!

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Examples :

Can you pass that book?

I could have done better.

It might rain today.

We must win the game.

I ought to go now.

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What are you looking for?