Use suitable comparative to compete the following sentence:-1. You bought your bag six months ago. I bought my bag only last month ago.( your bag is _________________ mine. 2. Aruna compete the eassay in half an hour. Shirpa compete it in twenty minutes.(shirpa competed the essay __________ aruna. Aruna competed the essay ___________shirpa.3- pulkit read four hours a day. Subhash reads three hours a day .4-you climbed 600 metre above the hill. I climbed only 450 metres.( you climbed_________ me . I climbed _______ you .5- ajay took three wickets . Anis took five wickets. (Anis took_______ajay. 6- Rajeev obtained 80% marks last year. He has obtained 83% this year's.( Rajeev's percentage is __________________last year's.

1. older
2. faster
3. Subhash reads *more* than Pulkit
4. more
5. more wickets than
6. more
  • 1
  • 0
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