uses of kranz anatomy in plants ?

plants like sorghum, maize, sugarcane possess a characteristic leaf anatomy in which two rings of cells are found around each of the vascular bundles. The inner ring, or the bundle sheath cells, contain chloroplasts which differ in form from those in the mesophyll cells in the outer ring. The chloroplast in the plant in therefore described as dimorphic. This anatomy is called Kranz anatomy. C4 plants  having kranz anatomy can tolerate high temperature and high light intensity, show greater productivity of biomass, and perform very less photorespiration.

Photorespiration is a phenomenonin which there is no formation of ATP or NADPH, but there is utilization of ATP with release of CO2. It is also considered a wasteful process. 

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 Kranz anatomy is used to low photorespiration in C4 plants.

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