wat is isotropic and  anisotropic......???

isotropic: Properties of a material are identical in all directions

anisotropic: Properties of a material depend on the direction; for example, wood. In a piece of wood, you can see lines going in one direction; this direction is referred to as "with the grain". The wood is stronger with the grain than "against the grain". Strength is a property of the wood and this property depends on the direction; thus it is anisotropic.

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Isotropy:- It is one of the charecterstic of certain solids by which the properties measured has the same value in all directions.

Anisotropy:- It is oe of the charecterstic of solids by virtue of which the properties such as refractive index, viscosity,etc.measured does not have the same value in all the directions. Such crystals are anisotropic

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Isotropic is a single fibre of muscle and anisotropic is made up of more than one fibre of muscle
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