Water absorption through roots can be increased by keeping the plants under the fan .Why?

The rate of transpiration increases in windy atmosphere.

When we place a plant under the fan the speed of air flow is very high. Transpiration will take place in presence of high air flow through the stomata. We have studied that increase in the rate of transpiration increases the water absorption also. As transpiration occurs, water emits out of the leaf creating a vacant space which pulls (transpiration pull) the water from the xylem vessels. This results in the absorption of water by the root from the soil.

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Transpiration rate is increased in moderate windy condition as the water containing air is continuously being moved and a diffusion gradient is created which facilitates the diffusion of water from leaves to the atmosphere. This increase in transpiration rate would increase absorption by the roots as the leaves would loose more water, so the roots absorb more water to replenish the leaves with water. Same effect is caused by a moving fan.

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