"water is very important resource in india" support the statement.

India is inundated with several large rivers. The country is truly blessed in terms of water resources and a long coastline that it has. Water as in every country, is a very critical resource for India
  • Water resources in the country help every sector of the economy. Large sale agricultural activities are possible only because of the availability of India's water resources.
  • Setting up of several water intensive industries have been made possible simply because of the good availability of water.
  • Because of conducive terrain and availability of water, India can produce a high amount of hydro electricity.
  • The long coastline of the country makes it possible to carry out several economic activities related to sea, ports, and fisheries.
  • Water resources make for several livelihoods of the people in the country apart from being used by everyone for their domestic consumption.
  • In spite of the growing population and rampant pollution, India's water resources have been able to cater to people all across.
It is therefore very important that we understand the significance of water resources in the country and preserve them in pristine condition for the future generations.


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Water is an important renewable source of energy w
hich is used for various purpose in India.
it is used for construction of dams. it is also used for irrigation  in large quantity.used in construction of mansons.itis also utilised in many industries and factories.

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