We know that WORK=FORCE MULTIPLY BY DISPLACEMENT COS TETA ???what do you mean by cos teta ??? I did not understand what is cos teta and sin teta???

Dear student,


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The answer is Cos teta because,
There are two types of vector products, namely,
1. Scalar or dot product
2. Vector  or cross product

W = F . S
 (dot product))
where  W is work
           F is force  and
           S is displacement 
 W = F . S,  " . "  dot here refers to Dot product of a vector or scalar product of a vector
On removing the dot we get cos teta in scalar or dot product
Example, A . B = ABCos teta

In cross product of vectors
For example,
A x B gives AB Sin teta

A x B = AB Sin teta

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