What answer is it?is.it A(antonym) B(part/whole) C(item/category) Or D(synonym)

What answer is it?is.it A(antonym) B(part/whole) C(item/category) Or D(synonym) Mtat Wpe word does cave : cavern song : tune @ Welcome to Funer Cavems and • the Wonders of an Underground World A cave is a natural underground hollow in the earth that is large enough for a human to enter. Most Caves ore formed by dissolution: a substance dissolves or eats away at rock over time. There are many different types of caves, such as limestone caves, sea caves. and lava tubes. Caves e antonym part/whole item/category f C •synonym

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Synonym is ur answer...
I hope my answer is correct.
Hope this answer helps
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Item category tune is part of song which is tune plus lyrics. Cavern is part of cave
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