What are autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine?
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Dear student,                
​Please find below the solution to the asked query 

These are kinds of signalling mechanisms.

Autocrine -
Here the cell targets itself. This type of signalling often occurs during the early development of an organism to ensure that cells develop into the correct tissues and take on the proper function. It also regulates pain sensation and inflammatory responses. Moreover, if a cell is infected with a virus, the cell can signal itself to undergo programmed cell death {PCD or apoptosis}, killing the virus in the process.

Paracrine -
Here the cell targets a nearby cell. These types of signals usually elicit quick responses that last only a short amount of time. One example of paracrine signalling is the transfer of signals across synapses between nerve cells. 

Endocrine - Here the cell targets a distant cell through the bloodstream. These types of signals usually produce a slower response but have a longer-lasting effect. Example- thyroid gland secreting thyroxine which impacts heart muscles etc.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.   
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