What are DNases and RNases??please explain in detail

Dear student,
In DNase and RNase the first two letters are written in capital because they are representing DNA and RNA. DNA and RNA are written always in capital. The word ''ase'' is used in small because it represents enzyme. So, it is actually the combination of two word DNA + enzyme and RNA + enzyme. So, DNase means DNA degrading enzymes and RNase means RNA degrading enzymes.

DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid composed of nucleotides. DNA is a genetic material which transfers information to next generation. While DNase is a deoxyribonuclease enzyme and is composed of amino acids. Its function is to cleave the DNA molecule. 

Similarly, RNA is a ribonucleic acid composed of nucleotides. RNA is involved in the regulation and expression of genes. While RNase is a ribonuclease enzyme composed of amino acids. Its function is to bring about the cleavage of RNA molecule.


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DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid which is present in nucleus .in nucleus it is present in chromatin network(thread like structure).Dna contains genes which are hereditary material ...important in carrying charaecteristics.organelles like mitochondria have their own DNA and RNA(ribonucleic acid)
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Umm hi sarah i just want to say I apologize for my mistake !
Now its your choice weather you want to talk with me or not!
I appriciate you!
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DNases or RNases are enzymes capable of degrading DNA or RNA by catalyzing the hydrolytic cleavage of phosphodiester bonds in the DNA or RNA backbone.
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DNA is Deoxyribo Nuclic Acid  And RNA is Ribo Nuclic Acid.
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