What are generally considered to be the basic minimum requirements of people for living a healthy and productive life? What is the responsibility of governments in trying to ensure this minimum to all?

Housing, supply of clean water, basic amount of nourishment to remain healthy, education and minimum wage are the basic minimum requirements of people for living a healthy and productive life.

Government is responsible for providing these services to all sections of the society irrespective of their class, caste, race and gender at a cost they can afford.

  • Supporters of free market ideology are in favour of providing goods and services by the private agencies and the state or government should only try to empower people to buy those goods and services. However, eventually, free market tends to work in the interest of the powerful section.

  • Government checks the interference of private agencies in some sectors of the economy so that the goods and services in the free market do not become out of reach for the weaker sections.

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