What are GIFT and ZIFT in relation to ART??

ZIFT is zygote intra follicular Transfer in this method the zygote ie more than 8th cell blastula stage is transferred into the fallopian tube of female through endoscopy while in case of GIFT directly gamete is introduced inside the female where ova is placed.. its like an artificial insemination of male gamete into female through vaginal opening
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GIFT is a type of ART where the ovum collected from a female donor is transferred to the female's fallopian tube which undergo normal fertilisation with the sperm inside the female's body  and undergoes the later stages of development.
ZIFT is another type of ART in which the sperm and the ovum collected from the male and the female partner respectively are induced with each other outside the female's body(in the laboratory) to form the zygote or early embryo (with 8 blastomere stage) which is then inserted at the female's fallopian tube.
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