What are greenhouse gases ? What are their impacts on the ecosystem ?

Greenhouse gases are the gases that cause absorption and emission of radiation in the thermal infrared region. Greenhouse gases help in keeping the earth’s atmosphere warm by not allowing the absorbed gases to escape the atmosphere. Without greenhouse gases the temperature of the earth would be 33 degree Celsius less than the average temperature of present earth. The primary greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, chloro fluoro carbons (CFCs), nitrous oxide, ozone and water vapours. In the past few years due to industrialization and urbanization the concentration of these gases has increased considerably which has lead to the global warming.

Impacts :
1. Greenhouse works by tapping heat from the sun. The greenhouse let in light but doesn’t allow heat from escaping thus making it possible to grow plants in far most colder regions.
2. Greenhouse gas maintains the temperature on earth. The temperature of earth would have been extremely low without it making it difficult for humans to live. 

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