what are homogeneous and hetrogeneous mixture give their Character

Dear student,

1. Homogenous mixture:
A homogenous mixture is a mixture that has a uniform composition thought the mixture. 

a. The mixture is in the same phase.
b. components cannot be separated easily.
c. components cannot be seen by the naked eye.
d. example: air, alloys.

2. Heterogeneous mixture:
A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture whose composition
vary thought the mixture. 

a. The mixture may not in the same phase.
b. components can be separated easily.
c. components can be seen easily.
d. example: oil and water, sand.


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Homogeneous mixture is a type of mixture which solute is dissolved completely in solvent

Example : salt is dissolve in water

Heterogeneous mixture is a type of mixture which solute does not mixed completely with solvent called heterogeneous mixture

Example sand does not mixed in water it can be settle sown
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