what are ligaments ,tendons and cartilage

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ligament=Inanatomy, aligamentis the fibroustissuethat connectsbonesto other bones and is also known asarticular ligament,articular larua,fibrous ligament, ortrue ligament.

tendons=Atendon(orsinew) is a tough band offibrous connective tissuethat usually connectsmuscletoboneand is capable of withstandingtension. Tendons are similar toligamentsandfasciaeas they are all made ofcollagenexcept that ligaments join one bone to another bone, and fasciae connect muscles to other muscles. Tendons and muscles work together to move bones.cartilage=Cartilageis a flexibleconnective tissuefound in many areas in the bodies of humans and other animals, including thejointsbetweenbones, therib cage, theear, thenose, thebronchial tubesand theintervertebral discs. It is not as hard and rigid asbonebut is stiffer and less flexible thanmuscle.
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Ligament- A strong tissue that holds two bones together at a joint is called ligament.

Tendon- A tough strand that joins a muscle to a bone is called tendon.

Cartilage- A strong elastic tissue in animals body is called cartilage.

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