What are parasitic plants and mention how they are different from saprophytes?

Dear student,
Parasitic plants are those plants which obtain their nutrition from other plants.The parasitic plant have specialised modified roots which are called as haustoria.These enters inside the conducting system of the host plant from which they derive their nutrition.Thus, extract the water and minerals from the conducting system of the host plant.
For example, cuscuta or amarbel is an parasitic plant found on the acacia tree.
Parasitic plants are different from saprophytes as saprophytes obtain their nutrition from the dead and decaying organisms like plants and animals.They release certain substances on the dead and decaying organic matter and than convert it into simple forms to be easily absorbed.
Example of saprophytes are bacteria and fungus and the saprophytic plants is rafflesia.
Thus, the major difference in parasitic and saprophytic is that parasitic obtain nutrition from living organism but saprophytes obtain nutrition from dead and decaying organisms.

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