What are poetic devices define them with example?

Dear Student, 

Poetic devices refer to creative use of words, phrases and sounds in poems to emphasise a point, infuse literal meanings, create a mood, intensify  a feeling, etc. 

Some of the common poetic devices are :

1. Alliteration : Use of same letter at the beginning of adjacent words.
Eg : Laughing lions laugh

2. Repetition : Repeated use of same words.
Eg : Alone, alone, all alone

3. Metaphor : A metaphor is used to compare one thing to another.
Eg : She is a fox. ( It means she is as cunning as a fox.)

4. Simile : A simile is also used for comparison. However, it uses the words as and like for comparison.
Eg : She is glowing like a star.


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Hey Mate, following is the answer to your question :-

Poetic devices?are tools that a poet can use to create rhythm, enhance a poem's meaning, or intensify a mood or feeling. These devices help piece the poem together, much like a hammer and nails join planks of wood together. Some of these devices are used in literature as well, but for the sake of clarity, we will look at all of these devices through the lens of poetry.

Some poetic devices are as follows :-

1) personification :- this poetic devices used when we compare the quality of humans with an object.

2) metaphor :- a direct comparison of an object with someone.

3) simile :- a comparison using like or as.

4) imaginary :- when you imagine something and you makes an image of that in your mind.

5) tone :- how other feels about what he is writing.

6) rhyme :- when the last words of the sentences sound similarly.

7) symbol :- something representing something else.

8.)alliteration :- words that start with the same letter.

9) consonance :- repeatition of similar sound inside or at the end of the sentences.

10) assonance :- repetition of vowel sounds between the sentence or at the end of the sentence.

11) onomatopoeia :- a word that sounds as the thing it is describing.

12) repeatition :- the word sentence phrases or stanzas repeating again.

13) stanza :- a grouping of two or more lines to make a poem lengthy.

Hope it will help you out...
Thanks and Regards
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