what are prepositions

Prepositions are the words which link nouns,pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence.
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prepositions are the words that shows the relationship of noun and pronoun to another part of the sentence.
ex , he is sitting "on" the table.
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preposition are the words that show relationship of a noun orr a pronoun.it shows the position of something
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the join noun pronoun and other words to make a meaningful sentence
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A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed directly in front of nouns. In some cases, you’ll find prepositions in front of gerund verbs.


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Prepositions are words that denote the position of a noun or pronoun.
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There is numerous importance of the forest as it helps us by providing all the useful products which are required for our lives. Some of them are listed here.
Forests provide us with ? Firewood, Timber, Wood pulp, Honey, lac, medicinal plants and herbs, raisin, biofertilizers, etc. Forests also supply us with the different types of raw materials for industrial uses, fodder for the animal?s feed, fuel, and fibres.
Along with these essential products, forests also play an important role in protecting?our environment?by:

Promoting rainfall.

Reduces noise pollution.

Maintains the ecological balance.

Acts as a wind barrier from heavy winds.

Provide moisture and lower the temperature.

Prevents flash floods by slowing down the movement of water.

Preventing soil erosion and preserve the fertility of the soil.

Maintains the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the environment.

Preserves the biodiversity by providing shelter for many creatures that depend on the forest for their survival.
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