What are regular and irrgeular verbs?

Please explain with examples.

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the verb that ends in D ED or T those words are said to be regular verbs

the verbs which do not  have ED D or T is called irregular verbs

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those verbs whose simple past and past participles are formed by adding -d  and -edto the base form are called regular verbs ...for eg

live  lived (live+d)  lived(live+d)

cry  cried cried 


irregular verbs are those whose simple past and past participles are formed in a variety of ways......... for eg-

arise  arose  arise

awake awoke awoken

begin  began  begun

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Hi, Paulomi

Regular verbs are those verbs that fall on the standard patterns of conjugation in the languages in which they occur. These verbs are change by adding d or ed. Ex - Look - Looked.

Irregular verbs are those verbs that fall outside the standard patterns of conjugation in the languages in which they occur. Ex - Begin - Began - Begun, etc., for exceptions Laid - Laid, etc.

Hope this helps!! 


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